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  • Unit 4 | RASNET Final

    Unit 4 This unit focuses on the interaction over time of religious traditions and religious denominations and the societies of which they are a part. For a large part of human history religion has been drawn on as a truth narrative, offering a means for finding answers to the big questions of life. Religious traditions and religious denominations are in a dynamic process of engagement and negotiation with members individually and collectively, as well as with other key institutions in wider society associated with power, authority and credibility. Religious traditions and religious denominations are living institutions that interact with society and can likewise be influenced by society. They can stimulate and support society, acting as levers for change themselves and embracing or resisting forces for change within society. 4.1 Matt Fyfield - short videos for challenges. What is Catholic Social Teaching History of early Christianity The Crusades - Pilgrimage or Holy War? Islam, the Quran, and the Five Pillars The Renaissance: Was it a Thing? Unit 4 Challenges Albigensians The Albigensian Crusade Unit 4: Focus on Challenges 4.1 Nature of Challenge to Religion Over Time Challenges to a Religion involving Social Structures 4.1 Challenges to Christianity Over Time 2023 Conference Challenge of Covid to Christian Churches 2023 Conference Challenge of Covid to Judaism Conference 2022 Women in Judaism Conference 2022 Women in Islam Conference 2022 Women in Christianity Conference 2018 Islamic Perspective of Women Throughout Time Conference 2017 Science and Religion Conference 2018 Challenge to Religion: Galileo Conference 2017 Challenge to Religion: The Enlightenment Conference 2017 Challenges to Islam Conference 2018 Challenge to a Religion: Darwin Conference 2021 Protestantism and Challenge Challenge to a Religion: Human Traficking Challenge to a Religion: Arianism 2024 Conference Overview and Case Study of Challenges to Christianity 2024 Conference Overview and Case Study of Challenges to Islam 2024 Conference Overview and Case Study of Challenges to Judaism 2024 Conference Overview and Case Study of Challenges to Judaism The Challenge of the Protestant Reformation How Luther's Theses Became Public May 2024 Twilight PD - The Protestant Reformation SOURCE-Peter V Armenio Historical Context for Protestant Reformation SOURCE-Glenn S Sunshine Catholic Church Responds to Protestantism SOURCE-Peter Marshall The Reformation - A Short Introduction SOURCE- Stephen Fortosis Moral Decline of the Church SOURCE-Norman Tanner Counter Reformation or Early Modern Catholicism Stances and their Supporting Responses


    Contact & Membership I Contact Phone 03 9572 2147 Email


    What's On Upcoming Events RASNET Annual Conference ZOOM February 27th 2024 Unit 1 March 4 2024 Unit 3 March 6 2024 Unit 2 March 14 2024 Unit 4 REFLECTIONS on EXAMINATION 2023 ZOOM March 20 Wednesday 4.30-6.30pm 2024 Conference Session Information 2024 Conference Registration Exam 2023 Reflections Registration

  • Unit 2 | RASNET Final

    Unit 2 In this unit students explore concepts that underpin ethical decision making and their influences on practical moral judgement. They study various methods of ethical decision making. They also study in detail various methods of ethical decision-making in at least two religious traditions and their related philosophical traditions. They explore ethical issues in societies where multiple worldviews coexist, in the light of these investigations. PHILOSOPHY: The School of Life site has numerous topics covered. These are a sample that will help with the Philosophy and Methods of decision making in Unit 2. History of Ideas-Religion - The School of Life – 10.59 mins Service NamAn Introduction to John Start Mill’s Utilitarianism – A Macat Politics Analysis – 3.10 minse The IS/OUGHT Problem – BBC Radio 4 – 1.28 mins David Hume – 11.05 mins ​ The Harm principle: How to live your life the way you want to – BBC Radio 4 - 2.00 mins Natural Law Theory – Crash Course Philosophy – 9.38 mins Aristotle and Virtue/Character Ethics – Crash Course Philosophy – 9.21 mins I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church-Here’s why I left – Megan Phelps-Roper – 15.17 mins Thinking Ethically – Garratt Publishing (Area of Study 2.3) Conferences: 2017 RASNET Conference - The Philosophical and Religious Perspectives behind Ethical Decision Making 2018 RASNET Conference - Ethics and War- Christianity 2020 RASNET Conference - Unit 2 2021 RASNET Conference - Unit 2 - Ethical Principles and Christianity 2022 RASNET Conference - Environmental Ethics and Christianity 2022 RASNET Conference - Environmental Ethics and Christianity - Long Notes 2022 RASNET Conference - Environmental Ethics and Islam 2022 RASNET Conference - Environmental Ethics and Judaism 2023 RASNET Conference - Ethics in Christian and Jewish Traditions 2024 RASNET Conference - Ethical Issues in Pluralist Society - Artificial Intelligence

  • Unit 3 | RASNET Final

    Unit 3 In this area of study students focus on the interplay between religion and significant life experiences of members of religious traditions and religious denominations. Students consider the relationship between different types of significant life experiences and religious beliefs generally. They then undertake a detailed study of one particular significant life experience of a member of one selected religious tradition or religious denomination. The significant life experience may be a single event at a particular time or occur over an extended period. It has to be an experience that informed, reinforced or changed the person’s faith in and understanding of beliefs and their engagement with the expression of those beliefs. Students investigate what happens to an individual’s adherence to and understanding of the relevant religious beliefs and related expressions in the other aspects as a result of a significant life experience. Unit 3.1 Beliefs ​ Religious Beliefs of Catholic Christianity Religious Beliefs of Judaism Religious Beliefs of Islam Religious Beliefs of Protestant Christianity Ultimate Reality ​ Ultimate Reality in Judaism Ultimate Reality in Protestant Christianity Beliefs Expressed in Pilgrimage Pilgrimage in Christianity Pilgrimage in Islam Social Structure Exploring Social Structure Social Structure of Judaism Social Structure of Protestant Christianity Conference 2024 Unit 3.2 Conference 2024 Unit 3.2 Additional notes Conference 2024 Unit 3.2 Conference 2024 Unit 3.2 Units 3.1 & 3.2 3.1 & 3.2 Responding to and Expressing the Search for Meaning Applying 3.1 to 3.2 Unit 3.3 3.3 Terms Significant Life Experiences - RASNET 2017 Conference 3.3 - RASNET 2022 Conference Significant Experience - Elie Wiesel Significant Life Experience - St Francis of Assisi Significant Life Experience - Muhammad Ali Significant Life Experience - Oscar Romero Significant Life Experience - Jan Ruff O'Herne The Spiritual Journey of Oscar Romero


    Welcome to the Resource Centre UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 4 UNIT 1 UNIT 3 UNIT 2

  • RASNET | VCE Religion and Society | Victoria, Australia

    RASNET is the professional association for teachers of Religion and Society. It was founded by teachers in 1999 to provide support for colleagues facing the many challenges of educating students about religion in a pluralist society. It does this by providing outreach facilities and professional development opportunities for teachers of units 1 to 4 of the VCE subject Religion and Society. Committee Resources Welcome Events Contact us Phone 03 9572 2147 Email

  • ABOUT | RASNET Final

    About us. RASNET is the professional association for teachers of Religion and Society. It was founded by teachers in 1999 to provide support for colleagues facing the many challenges of educating students about religion in a pluralist society. It does this by providing outreach facilities and professional development opportunities for teachers of units 1 to 4 of the VCE subject Religion and Society. ​ Our Committee Mary Tuohy President Shayndel Samuel Elaine Richardson Mt Scopus College Burwood Christine Valladares Avila College Mt Waverley Damien Green King David School Armadale Nicole Harkness Star of the Sea Gardenvale Dr Amanda Burritt Faculty of Education, University of Melbourne Dr Seyed Sheriffdeen Ilim College Dallas Abdulai Rufai Ilim College Dallas

  • Unit 1 | RASNET Final

    Unit 1 In this unit students explore the spiritual origins of religion and understand its role in the development of society, identifying the nature and purpose of religion over time. They investigate religion, including the totality of phenomena to which the term ‘religion’ refers, and acknowledge religion’s contribution to the development of human society. They also focus on the role of spiritualities, religious traditions and religious denominations in shaping personal and group identity over time. Students examine how individuals, groups and new ideas have affected and continue to affect spiritualities, religious traditions and religious denominations. The unit provides an opportunity for students to understand the often complex relationships that exist between individuals, groups, new ideas, truth narratives, spiritualities and religious traditions broadly and in the Australian society in which they live. Areas of Study 1.1 and 1.2 Sociology - Max Weber - 7:22 The Big Story: Origins of Religion – Yathish Dhavala – 4.14 minsrvice Name The five major world religions – John Bellaimey – 11.10 mins A burial practice that nourishes the planet – Caitlin Doughty – 11.54 mins Why women should tell the stories of humanity – Jude Kelly – 13.23 mins Help discover ancient ruins-before it’s too late – Sarah Parcak – 21.2 mins Clues to prehistoric times found in blind cavefish – Prosanta Chakrabarty – 4.50 mins ​ 1a Introduction to the Study of Religions-Why Study Religion? – Dr Dale Tuggy – 9.17 mins What is the difference between Theology and Religious Studies? – Religion for Breakfast – 6.44 mins An Introduction to the Study of Religions-Why Study Religion?-What is religion? ​ I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church-Here’s why I left – Megan Phelps-Roper – 15.17 mins Cave of Forgotten Dreams – Werner Herzog -DVD Areas of Study 1.1 and 1.2 Judaism and Christianity-Parting Ways Jesuit Approach to Missionary Activity CONFERENCES 2019 Conference Religion in Australia 2022 Conference Nature and Purpose of Religion Past and Present Part 1 2020 Conference Religion in Australia 2023 Conference Roles pf Spiritualities and Religions in Australian Society 2024 Conference Nature and Purpose of Religion Past and Present Part 2 2024 Conference Gilgamesh Text Area of Study 1.3 John Bede Polding and Aboriginal people Mary MacKillop and Aboriginal people Pope John Paul II and Aboriginal people Church and Aboriginal Australia Aboriginal Catholic Ministry With rememberance goes compassion Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office - Website

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